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Tennis – Winner Market

In this market, bettors have the opportunity to predict which team will be the winner of the match as a whole, regardless of the number of sets played.

How It Works:

  • Bettors select the team they believe will emerge as the winner of the match.
  • Bets are settled based on the final result of the match, considering all sets played.
  • If the team chosen by the bettor wins the match, the bet is considered a winner. Otherwise, the bet is lost.

Set Winner

The “Set Winner” market allows betting on which player will win a specific set within the tennis match. Each set is a separate betting opportunity, with bets settled based on the winner of each set.

Player to Win a Set

The market “Player to Win a Set – Yes or No” allows you to bet on whether a specific player will win a set during the tennis match. If you believe the player will win the set, you bet “Yes”; if not, you bet “No”. If the player wins the set, you win the “Yes” bet; if not, the “No” bet wins.


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